Fixed bug in library startup code which was trashing the stack and crashing on close, after a delayed expunge.The previous 24-bit render code fix actually got lost during code reorganisation, but should be working properly now.Fixed swflash lib bug which caused memory to be trashed when playing some specific flash files.Ignore fscommand: URLs which flash files may try to use.Updated with zlib 1.2.3 and fixes part of libflash 0.4.13 which has solved at least one crash bug.BUGID 1402: Fixed a stack overflow bug due to libflash getting stuck in a recursive loop.Fixed handling of multiple stream plugin instances, where the URL matching was broken.Delay graphics initialization if IBrowse is iconified.Web Advert Control Language support now works.Don't ignore last entry in s:nf if not newline terminated.

clicking links, images, form elements/buttons)

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, but merely a summary of theĬhanges that were logged in the history since IBrowse 2.3 was released. Follow Purchase IBrowse 2.5.6 today from only € 14,99 (EUR) Home > News > Store > Download > Known Issues > Add-ons > OpenSearch > FAQ > Mailing Lists > AmiSSL > Documentation